I really do admire your effort to make Bitcoin comply with the hyperobject idea but I think it doesn’t work. Blockchain— crypto more widely — is not a hyperobject. It’s a database (as you point out it’s no more complex than a spreadhseet) and its hooks into the global economy, to culture and the other global systems are just too thin to qualify. It’s a hyperobject in the sence that Visa or Paypal are. And more to the point, it is an element — a big and serious contributor — to Morton’s own OG hyperobject — the climate. In the sense that Proof of Work is an irreversibly catastrophic contributor to carbon in the atmosphere (a factor you don’t mention) that’s already doing substantial damage. Blockchain fans tend to handwave this away, often totally dismissing it as ‘a technology problem’ and vaguely indicating solutions that are ‘out there’ and that don’t currently exist or couldn’t support the trust model. (here’s my contribution on that topic https://medium.com/predict/destroy-bitcoin-smash-the-mining-rigs-9a128e0ee063)